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  • Writer's pictureRolling Ridge

Evidence of Mutual Flourishing

If we ever wonder whether we are making a difference, we need only look at the many moments throughout the year when humans and nature are interacting in beneficial ways and living into our value of mutual flourishing. For fifty years, Rolling Ridge Conservancy (RRC) has protected and cared for this land by practicing honorable, effective stewardship. RRC provides a thriving home for us and our wild kin, enabling our partner organizations* to offer countless opportunities for wilderness education, communion with nature, and renewal.

The generosity of Rolling Ridge’s many supporters, from the very beginning gift of the land itself by the Niles family to gifts of time and energy and funds of countless volunteers, board members, partner organizations, and grants, are and will be what sustain Rolling Ridge now and for future generations.

*(Find out more about partner organizations here.)


Birders spotted male, female, and even a fledgling Scarlet Tanager


Kid create lifelong bonds with nature during Friday "Kids on the Ridge" nature school programs.


Yoga in the Woods adds a whole new meaning to the idea of tree pose.


Participants in a guided hike meet salamanders and appreciate the vital gift of clear, healthy stream water.


Land Steward Luke bonds with a Black Rat Snake after coaxing it out of the chicken coop.


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