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  • Writer's pictureRolling Ridge

Generous Gifts of Land and Good Neighbors Help Create Vital Conservation Buffers

Did you know that Jefferson County is one of the fastest growing regions of the State? Recent visitors to the mountain have noted the tremendous rate of construction along Mission Road. The growing development pressure highlights the challenge of conservation action, as well as the vital importance of protecting land and waterways for the benefit of all.

Most if not all the high gradient cool headwater mountain creeks in West Virginia that run into the Shenandoah River originate in or pass through Rolling Ridge Conservancy land.

Rocky Branch runs along the southern border of the Conservancy into Virginia. RRC is grateful to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy for transferring to RRC the 22-acre waterfall area where Rocky Branch flows to the Shenandoah River. We have put a conservation easement on this beautiful, ecologically sensitive spot to protect it.

At the north end of the Conservancy, RRC is grateful for the generous donations that enabled the purchase of the 100 Acre Wood, allowing protection to be extended through the headwaters of Hog Run.

RRC is particularly appreciative of Ann Delorey and Chuck Kleymeyer who donated their lot on Christ Church Road to RRC last year to ensure that the land continues to be conserved and Krishna Brook protected.

Between Rocky Branch and Hog Run flows Krishna Brook. Krishna Brook originates on RRC land and flows off the Conservancy onto the northern edge of the valley. In 2008, many of the small lots put up for sale along Christ Church Road adjacent to Krishna Brook were acquired by friends of RRC. Calling themselves the Ridge to River Community, for many years they have ensured that development would not have a significant adverse impact on RRC. Last year, taking the long view of conservation, Ann Delorey and Chuck Kleymeyer donated their lot to RRC.

This spring, two of the original lots (not Ridge to River lots) between Christ Church and Krishna Brook were sold and offers have been extended to Ridge to River Community folks to buy their lots as well. Significant housing development along Christ Church would have great potential to undo the work RRC does to protect Krishna Brook. RRC has long been grateful to members of our extended community for purchasing and protecting these lots, but we understand the changing demographics of the owners and the growing pressure to sell. We hope to acquire the resources and expertise to assist the other landowners along Christ Church Road in conserving this important section of wilderness between RRC and the Shenandoah River.

To support our ongoing work on these conservation buffers,

please Donate here.

To learn more about these efforts, write to Conservation Manager Carl Benson at


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